REV2020 February 26–28, 2020, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

REV2020 February 26–28, 2020, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

#1 Impact of Industry 4.0 on Engineering Education


Industry 4.0 is redefining the future of Engineering Design, Development and Manufacturing. Several of the conventional methods are getting obsolete. The newer ones are Smarter systems which adapt themselves to the environment they are in. They can diagnose themselves and also alert the users about their future behavior and health. With the advent of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, most machines are getting smarter than ever before.

In this workshop, the focus is on the impact of Industry 4.0 on Engineering Education. Cross functional requirements of learning are much more critical and System Engineering is absolutely necessary. Data science is the new Software development is no longer just logic. Engineering Mathematics is taking a center stage which it truly deserves. Hence, the workshop will cover the following topics:

  1. Impacts of Industry 4.0 on Engineering Education
  2. Time series Data Aggregation and Validation methods
  3. Time series Data storage and retrieval
  4. Time series Data transformations and Data analysis
  5. Predictions based on time series data


  • Kalyan Ram Bhimavaram (President – IAOE and MD & CEO, Electrono Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, India)
  • Mallikarjuna Sarma Bhimavaram (MD & CEO, Sky Techno Solutions, India)

#2 Modern Data Science using Industrial Big Data - The Value Creation Chain of Digital Information in Industry 4.0


This workshop introduces topics related to Big Data applications in Industry 4.0. After a clarification of the Industry 4.0 term and basic concepts of Data Science in the industrial field, the workshop will focus on several modules that will be demonstrated in the context of the course. The workshop furthermore gives an overview about the chances and challenges connected to enabling Industrial Big Data in modern manufacturing environments. After introducing the concept of Industry 4.0 and the importance of a high availability of production information, the focus will pass over to the challenges that have to be targeted when dealing with high amounts of fast changing and diverse information in the field of production using data-driven methods.


  • Max Hoffmann (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)

#3 Learning Objectives of Online Labs


It has long been known that online laboratories (remote and virtual) can supplement or replace physical ones in higher education. In many cases this depends on the lab activities’ learning objectives. However, the suitability of lab types and learning objectives is much less known and, hence, still a topic of ongoing research. To dig deeper into that, we must know which learning objectives teachers define in accordance to different learning groups and fields.

In this workshop, we want to collect teachers’ learning objectives, categorize them in a mutual discussion, detect the relationships of learning objectives and lab types, and gain insights into our own explicit and implicit objectives that are affecting our experimental instructions and evaluations of learning outcomes.


  • David Boehringer (Head of the media department of the computer center of the University of Stuttgart, Germany)
  • Claudius Terkowsky (Head of the Engineering Education Research Group at the Center for Higher Education (ched) at TU Dortmund University, Germany)

#4 Remote Laboratories for Engineering: the LabsLand global network


This workshop will introduce LabsLand, a global network of laboratories hosted by multiple institutions and focused on reliability and real-world usage. We will describe two different modern approaches for developing easy-to-integrate remote labs effectively. Some of the remote lab creators from a few partner institutions will show their specific laboratories, and workshop participants will be able to use them and discuss their experience. Some of the laboratories that we will cover will involve FPGA devices, electronics in general, physics (kinematics, pendular movement) or microcontrollers (such as Arduino).


  • Luis Rodriguez-Gil (LabsLand, Spain)
  • Javier Garcia-Zubia (University of Deusto, Spain)
  • Cándido Aramburu (Universidad Pública de Navarra, Spain)
  • Unai Hernández (University of Deusto, Spain)

Important Dates

07 Oct 2019Submission of structured abstracts for full and short papers;
Submission of proposals for special sessions
15 Oct 2019Invitation to submit a full paper or short paper
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for complete full and short papers as well as Work in Progress, Demos, Poster, Tutorials, Workshops)
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for Special Sessions papers
27 Nov 2019Submissions for GOLC OnlineLabAward 2020
01 Dec 2019Notification of Acceptance
15 Dec 2019Camera-ready due
Late Paper submission
03 Jan 2020Author registration
26 Feb 2020Conference Opening


Local Organizers
phone: +1-706-542-9626
REV Clearing House
phone: +43-5-90500-2115
phone: +1-202-470-0551

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