REV2020 February 26–28, 2020, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

REV2020 February 26–28, 2020, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

Current Phase

Upload of Final Papers + Submission of Late Papers

What to submit

Late Papers:

  • complete paper in PDF (8-12 pages)
  • your paper in Word or LaTeX (all necessary source files in a zip archive)
  • the copyright form (correctly filled in and signed)

Full and Short Papers:

  • complete paper in PDF (short 8-12 pages, full 12-20 pages)
  • your paper in Word or LaTeX (all necessary source files in a zip archive)
  • the copyright form (correctly filled in and signed)

Work in Progress Papers:
WiP submissions are for reporting on work that is still in the process of study and/or implementation for which results will not be available by the time of draft paper submission; papers submitted in this category must have titles beginning with the phrase, “Work-in-Progress: Title”.

  • complete paper in PDF (max 10 pages)
  • your paper in Word or LaTeX (all necessary source files in a zip archive)
  • the copyright form (correctly filled in and signed)
Here are the template kits for Word and LaTeX and the Copyright Form.

Where to upload

All files must be uploaded to the Conftool Submission System: IMPORTANT: We work with the metadata that you submit along with your paper, so please:

  • Have the corresponding author submit the contribution (for Springer, the submitting author will be the corresponding author)
  • Submit correct data:
    • correct spelling of authors' names in paper and metadata,
    • IMPORTANT: consistent name spelling throughout all your papers (in paper AND submission system). Different name spelling will remarkably slow down the publishing process!
    • do not inverse first name/last name etc.
  • Observe the deadlines: Reference time for deadlines is the time displayed in Conftool!

Important Dates

07 Oct 2019Submission of structured abstracts for full and short papers;
Submission of proposals for special sessions
15 Oct 2019Invitation to submit a full paper or short paper
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for complete full and short papers as well as Work in Progress, Demos, Poster, Tutorials, Workshops)
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for Special Sessions papers
27 Nov 2019Submissions for GOLC OnlineLabAward 2020
01 Dec 2019Notification of Acceptance
15 Dec 2019Camera-ready due
Late Paper submission
03 Jan 2020Author registration
26 Feb 2020Conference Opening


Local Organizers
phone: +1-706-542-9626
REV Clearing House
phone: +43-5-90500-2115
phone: +1-202-470-0551

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