REV2020 February 26–28, 2020, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

REV2020 February 26–28, 2020, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

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The REV is the annual conference of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) together with the Global Online Laboratory Consortium (GOLC) (Link:

REV 2020 is the 17th in a series of annual events concerning the area of Online Engineering, Cyber-physical Systems and Internet of Things, including Remote Engineering & Virtual Instrumentation.

In a globally connected world, the interest in online collaboration, teleworking, remote services and other digital working environments is rapidly increasing. In response to that, the general objective of this conference is to contribute and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of Online and Remote Engineering, Virtual Instrumentation and other related new technologies, including:

  • Cross Reality
  • Data Science & Big Data
  • Internet of Things & Industrial Internet of Things,
  • Industry 4.0,
  • Cyber Security, and
  • M2M & Smart Objects.

Another objective of the conference is to discuss guidelines and new concepts for engineering education in higher and vocational education institutions, including emerging technologies in learning, MOOCs & MOOLs, and Open Resources. REV2020 will offer an exciting technical program as well as networking opportunities.

Topics of Interest (but not limited to)

  • Applications & Experiences
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented Reality
  • Big Data
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Cyber Physical System
  • Cyber Security
  • Collaborative Work in Virtual Environments
  • Cross Reality Applications
  • Data Science
  • Evaluation of Online Labs
  • Human Machine Interaction & Usability
  • Internet of Things
  • Industry 4.0
  • M2M Concepts
  • Mixed Reality
  • Networking, Edge & Cloud Technology
  • Online Engineering
  • Process Visualization
  • Remote Control & Measurements
  • Remote & Crowd Sensing
  • Smart Objects
  • Smart World (City, Buildings, Home etc.)
  • Standards & Standardization Proposals
  • Teleservice & Telediagnosis
  • Telerobotic & Telepresence
  • Teleworking Environment
  • Virtual Instrumentation
  • Virtual Reality
  • Virtual & Remote Laboratories

Special Thematic Tracks

  • Data Science and Big Data
  • Cross Reality in Engineering and Education
  • VISIR Laboratory Federation
  • e-Engineering Alliance
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Standardization in Online Labs
  • Online Lab Effectiveness and Evaluation

Pre- and Post-conference

The program for Wednesday February 26th includes special thematic workshops by academics and industry. A social program is planned for Saturday 28th. This will enable ample opportunities to learn more about the REV community and to widen your network.

Other opportunities to participate

Posters, thematic workshops, tutorials, technical sessions, as well as interactive demonstrations and exhibitions may also be proposed. Prospective organizers of other REV2020 events are encouraged to contact the conference chair.

Important dates

07 Oct 2019Submission of structured abstracts for full and short papers;
Submission of proposals for special sessions
15 Oct 2019Invitation to submit a full paper or short paper
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for complete full and short papers as well as Work in Progress, Demos, Poster, Tutorials, Workshops)
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for Special Sessions papers
27 Nov 2019Submissions for GOLC OnlineLabAward 2020
01 Dec 2019Notification of Acceptance
15 Dec 2019Camera-ready due
Late Paper submission
03 Jan 2020Author registration
26 Feb 2020Conference Opening

Important Dates

07 Oct 2019Submission of structured abstracts for full and short papers;
Submission of proposals for special sessions
15 Oct 2019Invitation to submit a full paper or short paper
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for complete full and short papers as well as Work in Progress, Demos, Poster, Tutorials, Workshops)
22 Nov 2019Submission deadline for Special Sessions papers
27 Nov 2019Submissions for GOLC OnlineLabAward 2020
01 Dec 2019Notification of Acceptance
15 Dec 2019Camera-ready due
Late Paper submission
03 Jan 2020Author registration
26 Feb 2020Conference Opening


Local Organizers
phone: +1-706-542-9626
REV Clearing House
phone: +43-5-90500-2115
phone: +1-202-470-0551

Mailing List

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