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Main Conference Special Session Organization
07 Oct 2024Submission of:
(i) structured abstracts (for full and short papers) for the conference
(ii) Special Session proposals
14 Oct 2024Notification of acceptance for abstracts for the conference.
Special Sessions notification and announcement
18 Nov 2024Submission of:
(i) complete papers for all submission types
(ii) proposals for round tables, workshops, tutorials
16 Dec 2024Notification of acceptance
20 Jan 2025Camera-ready due & Author registration deadline
02 Apr 2025STE2025 opening

Remote presentations will be possible.

PDF logo Download Detailed Call as PDF


The International Conference on Smart Technologies & Education (STE) is the successor of the REV Conferences and the annual conference of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) together with the Edunet World Association (EWA) and the International Education Network (EduNet).

STE is an annual event dedicated to the fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of Smart Technologies, Online, Remote, and Virtual Engineering, Virtual Instrumentation and other related new technologies, including

  • Internet of Things & Industrial Internet of Things
  • Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0
  • Smart Objects & Smart Services
  • Cyber Security & Artifical Intelligence
  • Cross Reality & Open Science

A further objective of the conference is to discuss guidelines and new concepts for engineering education in higher and vocational education institutions including emerging technologies in learning, such as: Online and Virtual Labs, MOOCs and Open Learning Resources. STE 2025 will offer an exciting technical programme as well as networking opportunities.

The EduNet Forum will take place during the conference. It will feature presentations organised by Phoenix Contact and industry workshops.

Topics of Interest

The special focus of STE2025 is on the following topics:

  • Augmented & Virtual Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud Technology
  • Digital Twins
  • Dual Study for Industry 4.0
  • Cyber Physical Systems & Cyber Security
  • Data Science
  • Engineering Education of the Future
  • Entrepreneurship & Education
  • Game Based Learning
  • Gender in Engineering Education
  • Global & Unified Engineering Curricula
  • Green Engineering Education
  • Green Automation 4.0
  • Human Machine Interaction & Usability
  • Industry 4.0 & Education
  • Labs for Industry 4.0
  • Learning in Virtual Environments
  • Mobile & Micro Learning
  • Open Science Big Data
  • Online Engineering
  • Process Visualization
  • Remote Control & Measurement
  • Service Based Learning
  • Smart Education
  • Smart Objects
  • Smart World (City, Buildings, Home etc.)
  • Sustainable Learning
  • Teleworking Environment & Teleservice
  • Transition from VET to Higher Education
  • Virtual & Remote Labs
  • Vocational Training 4.0

Other Ways to Participate

Posters/workshops/tutorials, interactive demonstrations and exhibitions can also be proposed. Prospective organizers of other STE2025 events are encouraged to contact the conference chair.

Round Table and Panel Discussion Proposal

Please submit the Round Table Proposal Form to the the ConfTool® Submission Server.

Organization of a Workshop

Please submit the Workshop Proposal Form to the the ConfTool® Submission Server.

Organization of a Demonstration

The main goal of the demonstration session is to foster participants discussion simultaneously with demonstration of remote and virtual labs. Online demonstrations or lectures from a remote location are also welcome. The author is supposed to use his/her personal computer.

Please submit the Demo Session Proposal Form to the the ConfTool® Submission Server.

Organization of a Special Session

Please refer to the Call for Special Session Proposals just below.

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Special Sessions, held in parallel with the general conference, are an integral part of the conference. They provide researchers in focused areas the opportunity to meet and present their work, and offer a forum for interaction among the broader community of technology-enhanced learning, and online engineering world-wide. Special sessions papers are required to meet the same standards as papers in the general conference and are published in the same conference proceedings.

Topics of interest are in all areas of Smart Technologies & Education and similar to main conference topics (see Call for Papers for the Main conference above).

Proposals must be submitted to the ConfTool® Submission Server. Special Session papers will later be reviewed by at least two members of the special session's program committee, and acceptance decisions will be made by the conference program co-chairs and Special Sessions Chair. Organizers of special sessions will work closely with Conference Committee and are expected to respond promptly and communicate regularly in order to maximize the potential impact of the track. Proposals must be made using the special session proposal template (including the necessary information, such as title, organizer(s), special session's program committee, etc.). If the proposal will be accepted, it will be used as basis for the Call for Special Session Papers.

A Special Session will include at least 5 papers and the review process is under the responsibility of the person organizing the special session (i.e., session chair). Special session that fails to attract enough papers will be merged into the general conference or suitable alternative session.

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