22nd International Conference on
Smart Technologies & Education

Smart Technologies for an All-Electric Society

02–04 April 2025, Santiago de Chile, Chile

22nd International Conference on
Smart Technologies & Education

Smart Technologies for an All-Electric Society

02–04 April 2025, Santiago de Chile, Chile

The 22nd International Conference on Smart Technologies & Education (STE) is the successor of the REV Conferences and the annual conference of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) together with the Edunet World Association (EWA) and the International Education Network (EduNet).

STE is an annual event dedicated to the fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of Smart Technologies, Online, Remote, and Virtual Engineering, Virtual Instrumentation and other related new technologies, including

  • Internet of Things & Industrial Internet of Things
  • Cyber-Physical Systems and Industry 4.0
  • Smart Objects & Smart Services
  • Cyber Security & Artifical Intelligence
  • Cross Reality & Open Science

A further objective of the conference is to discuss guidelines and new concepts for engineering education in higher and vocational education institutions including emerging technologies in learning, such as: Online and Virtual Labs, MOOCs and Open Learning Resources. STE 2025 will offer an exciting technical programme as well as networking opportunities.

The EduNet Forum will take place during the conference. It will feature presentations organised by Phoenix Contact and industry workshops.

Next deadline

07 Oct 2024Submission of:
(i) structured abstracts (for full and short papers) for the conference
(ii) Special Session proposals
14 Oct 2024Notification of acceptance for abstracts for the conference.
Special Sessions notification and announcement
18 Nov 2024Submission of:
(i) complete papers for all submission types
(ii) proposals for round tables, workshops, tutorials
16 Dec 2024Notification of acceptance
20 Jan 2025Camera-ready due & Author registration deadline
02 Apr 2025STE2025 opening

For all deadlines, see the For Authors page.

Platinum Sponsor


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