REV2021 February 24–26, 2021, Novotel Century Online, Hong Kong

REV2021 February 24–26, 2021, Novotel Century Online, Hong Kong

The conference will take place in a virtual mode. The registration is done in the Conftool Submission System: The fee structure below outlines the registration fees.

REV 2021 – Author and Participant Registration Early Bird Fee
until 11 January 2021
Standard Fee
after 11 January 2021
Author – Regular1 250 EUR N/A
Author – Members of IAOE and EduNet1,4 200 EUR N/A
Author – Low-income Countries1,3 150 EUR N/A
Author – Student1,2 100 EUR N/A
Author – Late Paper N/A275 EUR
Participant – Members of IAOE & EduNet Free of Charge Free of Charge
Participant – Regular 100 EUR 150 EUR
Participant – Student, Low-income Country 50 EUR 80 EUR
Additional Paper1 125 EUR N/A

Registrations without payment are not valid.

1 At least one author MUST register and pay the authors’ registration fee by 11 Jan 2021, in order for their paper to be considered for presentation, and included in the Springer conference proceedings. Author registration includes the presentation of one paper. Additional presentations by the same author imply an extra cost of 125 EUR per paper/presentation. An author can present a maximum of two papers.

2The student fee for an author is applicable if the paper is solely written by students who are not older than 30 years. A confirmation about the student status and the age of all authors from the university is necessary.

3For the Low-Income and Lower-middle Economies category (Low-income Economies), the attendee will need to send proof of ID. All authors must live and work in such a country.

4Member ID must be submitted.

Important Dates

28 Sep 2020Submissions for GOLC Online Lab Award 2021
12 Oct 2020Submission of structured abstracts for full and short papers;
Submission of proposals for special sessions
25 Oct 2020Invitation to submit a full paper or short paper
13 Nov 2020Submission deadline for complete full and short papers, Work in Progress, Demos, Poster, Tutorials, Workshops
01 Dec 2020Notification of Acceptance
15 Dec 2020Submission deadline for special session papers
21 Dec 2020Camera-ready upload open
11 Jan 2021Author registration
Camera-ready due
25 Feb 2021Conference Opening


REV Clearing House
phone: +43 664 7362 1196

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