REV2016 24-26 February 2016, UNED, Madrid, Spain

REV2016 24-26 February 2016, UNED, Madrid, Spain

The PhD Student’s Forum is Co-Located with 13th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2016).


The PhD Student’s Forum will be a special session co-located in conjunction with the REV2016 Conference. It will be oriented to those students who are in the early phases of their dissertation work (i.e., in their first or second year). The main goal is to help students with their thesis and research plans by providing feedback and general advice on using the research environment in a constructive and international atmosphere. The PhD Student’s Forum provides PhD students with the opportunity to meet and discuss with recognized experts in their area. Students will present and discuss their thesis in the context of a well-known and established international conference outside of their usual university environment. Up to 12 PhD students will have the opportunity to participate.


The PhD Student’s Forum will follow format of a high quality doctoral consortium and consist of three sessions. The first session will aim at giving students the chance to present their work to others and get familiar with the work of other PhD students in their area. Each PhD student will give a very brief presentation (about 3 minutes) about his/her work with focus on motivation and research problem. These presentations will follow to a poster exhibition where individual discussion about each student’s work will take place. The third session will aim at giving students feedback from an expert in their area and let them discuss their work with him/her as well as with few other PhD students doing research in the respective area. After the notification of acceptance/rejection, each PhD student with an accepted paper will be assigned to a small group consisting of 3-4 PhD students and one expert in their area. Each group will start to communicate and exchange their papers so that all members of the group are familiar with the papers of each group member. During the third session, each small group will meet individually. PhD students will give a short presentation about their work (about 10 minutes; 3 slides: Motivation/Background, what have been done already, and what will be done in future). After each presentation, group discussion will take place where each student can discuss his/her work with the expert and with other PhD students.

It is planned that members of REV2016 scientific committee, representatives of IEEE Education Society and keynote speakers at main conference will participate actively following the role of experts, i.e., to interact with students and to get the talent of future researchers or even also to propose valuable comments to the presented works.


The objective is to give PhD students the opportunity to present their research and exchange their experience on relevant trends and preliminary research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences. Submissions relating to any aspect of Learning Technologies research and development are welcomed, always focusing on the topics of REV2016.

Eligibility and Submission Format

The PhD Student’s Forum is only for PhD students in their first or second PhD year. Furthermore, the topic of the PhD thesis must be in the area of main conference REV2016. To apply for participation at the PhD Student’s Forum, please submit a 2-page paper about your doctoral work using the REV2016 Conference System at: Papers should be prepared as structured abstracts and style format must follow the template of any contribution type presented to main conference, see Paper Preparation. In addition, each paper should

  • Provide the title of the PhD Research, the name of the PhD Student and the PhD Advisor and the Affiliated Organization
  • Provide a motivation for the research, explaining what the problem in the respective field is and why it is a problem,
  • Clearly formulate the research question,
  • Sketch the research methodology that is to be applied,
  • Describe the expected contributions of the applicant to the research area, and describes how the research is innovative, novel or extends existing approaches to a problem.
  • Appropriately acknowledge the possible contribution of non-student advisors or collaborators

Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness, and clarity. Workshop participation is limited to 12 PhD students. Students will be required to pay the registration fees of the REV2016 Conference (student rates).

At the same time as the paper is submitted via the conference system, an email from the main supervisor must be sent to to confirm that the student is in his/her first or second year of PhD studies.


Presented papers will be published in the REV2016 Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Explore (more details here: Proceedings). If accepted and published (which is usually true for this conference), other indexing services evaluate conferences and independently determine what they will index. Selected contributions (extended version and further review) will be invited for publication in a journal in education area (TBA) recommended for PhD students.


The PhD Student’s Forum is co-organized by the REV2016 Committee.

Important Dates

01 Oct 2015Deadline for submission of 2-page paper and confirmation from PhD supervisor
20 Oct 2015Notification of acceptance
15 Nov 2015Camera-Ready 2-page paper for REV2016 Conference Proceedings
15 Dec 2015Notification of Acceptance
15 Jan 2016Authors’ Registration Deadline
24 Feb 2016Conference Opening

Contact Address

Requests for further information should be e-mailed to PhD Student’s Forum organizer, CC to the general chairs of REV2016.

Oscar M Bonastre, PhD
PhD Student’s Forum organizer
Former Associate Editor IEEE Transactions on Education


REV Clearing house
phone: +43-5-90500-2115
phone: +1-202-470-0551

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