REV2023 01–03 March, 2023, Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

REV2023 01–03 March, 2023, Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

REV Workshop 1

How Digital Labs Can Be Used For Competency-based Digital Exams
Joana Eichhorn, Tobias R. Ortelt
TU Dortmund University, Germany

The workshop starts with a short introduction to the topic. Then, the main part of the workshop consists of three parts. In the first part, pedagogical aspects for the design for teaching in general are presented, like the Constructive Alignment (Biggs & Tang, 2011) approach or the phrasing of Learning Objectives. The second part will adapt these pedagogical aspects to the design of digital labs and digital exams and show practical advices. In the third part the participants will adapt the guidelines to their own digital labs and digital exams. At the closing the developed contents and ideas of the participants will be presented and discussed afterwards. The workshop ends with a short summary by the presenters.

REV Workshop 2

The Potential Of XR In Resource Efficient Engineering – Where Are We Now And Where Are We Going?
Daniel Weck1, Joshua Grodotzki2, Benedikt Tobias Müller2
1TU Dresden, Germany; 2TU Dortmund University, Germany

We start the workshop with a short impulse. We describe the underlying collaborative research project KORESIL and its goal of increasing resource efficiency in manufacturing. This comprises a circular process chain with a closed material loop as well as the improvement of production environments and the support of human production workers by XR. In the end of the impulse, the XR apps are described: a web-based VR representation of the entire KORESIL process chain and five interactive AR applications of the main process steps:

  • Extrusion of aluminium profiles (insight into the process incl. animation, highlighting and exploring machine components)
  • Laser metal deposition (presentation of calculated and measured data, remote control)
  • Robot assisted injection moulding (insight into the process incl. animation, guided machine instruction)
  • Joining workstation (testing and evaluating predefined work station configurations)
  • Disassembly and recycling (remote interaction of workers)

The impulse is followed by an explorative testing phase of the various XR applications. Throughout the testing, participants note down their experience and formulate first feedback.

Based on this, the discussion phase is used

  • to structure the findings,
  • to discuss necessary improvements of the existing apps
  • to make suggestions for further applications
  • to put intended future developments in KORESIL up for discussion

We will conclude the workshop with a short wrap and some closing remarks.

REV Workshop 3

University 4.0: Imagined Cyborg or Inevitable Reality?
Abdallah Al-Zoubi1, Maria Isabel Pozzo2, Gustavo Alves3, Monica Ciolacu4, Claudius Terkowsky5, Alexander Kist6
1Princess Sumaya University for Technology, Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of; 2National Technological University, Argentina; 3Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal; 4University of Passau, Germany; 5TU Dortmund University, Germany; 6University of Southern Queensland, Australia

The fourth industrial revolution, the recent/ongoing crises (Russian war against Ukraine, COVID-19 pandemic, climate change), and emerging technologies have forced the academic community worldwide to think about and contemplate the nature and shape of the next generation of universities. The basic question about the role and mission of the future university is being posed, mainly whether it is going to be an evolutionary refinement of the existing contemporary model or will it transform into an entirely new paradigm. New terms have already been coined to name future university titles like ecological university, distributed university, cyborg university, adaptive, and University 4.0. Models for these various names of universities are, in turn, being conceptualized within frameworks that aspire to prepare and respond to anticipated change. However, University 4.0 is still a sketch that needs to be investigated and conceptualized further to see if it will physically transform from a brick campus onto a globally networked click, with all associated changes in other aspects of the university’s role and mission.

REV Workshop 4

FlexIOT: A free of charge IIoT platform for Education& Training in Automation Engineering
Reinhard Langmann
Edunet World Association, Germany

FlexIOT is an online platform that provides the design and operation of individual automation systems for example, for operation, visualization and control of machines and systems. The platform is both an engineering tool and a runtime environment for user-specific automation systems in all sectors. No web technology or programming knowledge is required to implement an application solution with FlexIOT. All application solutions are completely configured in the web browser. FlexIOT has a very low entry threshold and can also be used efficiently by inexperienced users with only small IT knowledge. The FlexIOT user interface is consistently object-oriented and structured simply and clearly according to the WYSIWYG principle. The free of charge FlexOT is therefore particularly suitable for teaching and learning purposes in the area of academic and professional training on new topics from Industry 4.0. For educational institutions, FlexIOT can also be set up and operated as a separate FlexIOT instance (e.g. in the local network or an edge computer) and adapted to user-specific needs with not much effort. In the workshop, the FlexIOT platform will be presented and described and in particular it will be addressed its use for education using practical examples from an course "Automation Engineering". In addition, the participants have the opportunity to implement a small project under supervision in their own personal accounts on the platform.

More information about the FlexIOT platform you can find here:

REV Workshop 5

Meet the Editor
Erwin Rauch
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

This “Meet the Editor” Workshop allows especially early stage researchers to get in direct contact with a member of the Editor team of the Q1 Journal “Production and Manufacturing Research published by Taylor & Francis. During the workshop the Editor will explain the single steps of a journal paper submission procedure and will comment about “Dos” and “Don’ts”. In addition the Editor will inform the audience about the aim & scope of PMR journal and what are the characteristics of successful paper submissions for this journal.

REV Workshop 6

IAOE Special Topic Workshop: Transcending the traditional boundaries of STEM education with online laboratories
Dominik May1, Maria Isabel Pozzo2, Alexander A. Kist3, Gustavo R. Alves4, Igor M. Verner5, Kristian Skytt6
1University of Georgia, United States of America; 2National University of Rosario, Argentina; 3University of Southern Queensland, Australia; 4Polytechnic of Porto, Portugal; 5Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel; 6Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Many universities and higher education institutions use laboratories in STEM education enabling students to enhance and apply their theoretical knowledge through practical, hands-on experience. In many cases, however, these opportunities are limited due to limited resources such as lab space, time, hands-on equipment, or even lab personnel. Online laboratories (using this term, we refer to both remote and fully virtual labs), however, provide a solution to these challenges and offer instructional opportunities beyond the face-to-face lab. The COVID-19 pandemic clearly was an accelerator for this development. For many months, online laboratories were the only option for students to perform experiments for their lab classes. Currently, the following questions remain:

  • “What did we learn about online experimentation in instructional settings?”,
  • “Which of the online lab solutions and approaches proved to be a good tool for our expansion to our regular lab classes?”, and
  • “How do we want to proceed into a future of STEM education, in which both hands-on and online labs may be part of everyday teaching and learning?”

Whereas evaluation and assessment measures for lecture-centred education are extensively implemented at most universities (and constantly improved over years), many online laboratory-based instructional settings do not have research-based measuring concepts in place yet. Hence, there is a pressing need for research-based evaluation methodologies. A convincing and theory-based concept needs to be developed. This concept should provide evaluation criteria that are suitable to reflect on the specific scenarios and how they can contribute to an enhancement of the learning concept.

In summary, this three-hour-long workshop will provide an in-depth view into the status of online laboratory developments and their use cases around the globe. The presenters will include representation from a few major online laboratory research groups and companies and their talks will highlight both the shortcomings and potential of online laboratories for current and future STEM education.

Important Dates

19 Sep 2022Submissions for GOLC Online Lab Award 2023
03 Oct 2022EXTENDED
Submission of:
(i) structured abstracts for full and short papers (main conference);
(ii) Special session proposals
10 Oct 2022– Notification of acceptance for abstracts for the main conference
– Special Sessions notification and announcement
14 Nov 2022EXTENDED
Submission of:
(i) complete papers for all submission types
(ii) proposals for round tabls, workshops, tutorials
02 Dec 2022Submission of complete papers for the Doctoral Consortium
05 Dec 2022Notification of Acceptance
20 Jan 2023EXTENDED
– Camera-ready due
– Author registration deadline
01 Mar 2023Conference Opening


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phone: +43 664 7362 1196
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