REV2018 21-23 March 2018, University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf, Germany

REV2018 21-23 March 2018, University of Applied Sciences Duesseldorf, Germany

General Remark

All submissions will be peer reviewed.

Please note: "Full Paper" is a “review-to-publish” submission type. Each paper must have at least one author participating in the reviewing process in order to be published in the proceedings. Please check with your co-authors to make sure that at least one of you has agreed to be a reviewer.


  1. Create a user account on the ConfTool Submission Server
  2. Upload
    • Structured abstract without author's names
      • 2 pages for Full Papers
      • 1 page for all other contribution types
  3. Wait for the review results
  4. If accepted upload your complete paper
  5. Wait for the review results
  6. If accepted upload your final paper
  7. Register for participation

Types of Contributions

  • Full Paper (8-10 pages)
  • Short Paper, Work in Progress, Poster (6-8 pages)
  • Special Sessions
  • Round Table Discussions
  • Workshops, Tutorials

All paper and short paper submissions are subject to a double blind reviewing process.

Camera-Ready/Final Papers

All presented papers will be published with Springer. (Details). For a timely production and submission of the proceedings, it is IMPORTANT that you

  • respect the final deadline
  • sign the copyright & consent to publish form (papers without the copyright signature cannot appear in the proceedings)
  • respect the template
  • make sure to write correctly author's names throughout the whole submission – in the paper, in the submission system

What to submit?

  1. your final paper as PDF
  2. your final paper as WORD or LaTeX (for LaTeX include non-standard fonts and figure files in a .zip archive))
  3. The Consent to Publish form – do not forget to fill in
    • The paper title
    • All authors
    • Contact data of the corresponding author
    • and sign it (either digitally, or you print, sign and scan it)

Make sure that that metadata are the same in the submission system and your paper, e.g. the authors' names are spelled the same in conftool and in your paper. If you are author or co-author make sure you have the same name spelling, the same e-mail addresses and affiliations in each paper.

The instructions above are extracted from the Springer website – you may go there to have more details: Click "Instructions for Authors" on the right hand menu.

Please note that papers exceeding the maximum number of pages cannot be published. Springer will print a book, and page numbers are really limited.


Please upload your contribution via the ConfTool Submission System.


If you have any questions concerning the preparation of your presentation please contact us via email:

Important Dates  Extended 

16 Oct 2017Submission of structured abstracts for full and short papers;
Submission of proposals for special sessions
31 Oct 2017Invitation to submit a full paper or short paper
03 Dec 2017Submission deadline for complete full and short papers and all other submissions (Special sessions papers, Work in Progress, Demos, Poster, Tutorials, Workshops)
23 Dec 2017Notification of Acceptance
28 Jan 2018Author registration and camera-ready due
21 Mar 2018Conference Opening


REV Clearing house
phone: +43-5-90500-2115
phone: +1-202-470-0551

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