Welcome to the REV2013 Conference in Sydney, Australia
6 - 8 February 2013

REV Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Photo: Andrew Gregory. Courtesy Destination New South Wales

REV2013: 10th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation

“Moving from design to innovation and impact”

REV2013 is being held in Sydney, Australia. Sydney is the largest and most dynamic city in Australia. Attending REV2013 will give you an opportunity to experience Sydney’s stunning harbour, wonderful climate, friendly people, and numerous other attractions, whilst participating in an exciting conference program.

REV 2013 is the tenth in a series of annual events concerning the area of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. The REV conferences are the annual conferences of the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE) (www.online-engineering.org). The general objective of this conference is to demonstrate and discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. With the globalization of education the interest in and need of teleworking, remote services and collaborative working environments now increases rapidly. Another objective of the symposium is to discuss guidelines for education in university level courses for these topics. REV 2013 offers an exciting technical program as well as academic networking opportunities during the social events.

Scope of the conference

Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation are very future trends in engineering and science. Due to:

  • the growing complexity of engineering tasks,
  • more and more specialized and expensive equipmentas well as software tools and simulators,
  • the necessary use of expensive equipment and software tools/simulators in short time projects,
  • the application of high tech equipment also in SME's,
  • the need of high qualified staff to control recent equipment,
  • the demands of globalization and division of labour,

it is increasingly necessary to allow and organize a shared use of equipment, but also specialized software as for example simulators. Organizers especially encourage people from industry to present their experience and applications of remote engineering and virtual instruments.

The general objective of this conference is to discuss fundamentals, applications and experiences in the field of remote engineering and virtual instrumentation. The use of virtual and remote laboratories is one of the future directionsfor advanced teleworking, remote service and e-working environments. Another objective of the symposium is to discuss guidelines for educationin university level courses for this topic.

Links to earlier conferences

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

  • Virtual and remote laboratories
  • Remote process visualization and virtual instrumentation
  • Remote control and measurement technologies
  • Online engineering
  • Networking and grid technologies
  • Mixed-reality environments for education and training
  • Education and operation interfaces, usability, reusability, accessibility
  • Demands in education and training, e-learning, blended learning, m-learning, and ODL
  • Open educational resources (OER)
  • Teleservice and telediagnosis
  • Telerobotics and teleprescence
  • Support of collaborative work in virtual engineering environments
  • Teleworking environments
  • Telecommunities and their social impacts
  • Present and future trends, including social and educational aspects
  • Human computer interfaces, usability, reusability, accessibility
  • Innovative organizational and educational concepts for remote engineering
  • Standards and standardization proposals
  • Products
  • Military wireless applications
  • Information security
  • Telemedicine
  • Renewable energy
  • Applications and experiences.

Program Summary

The conference will have a core program run over 2 days (6th and 7th February). There will also be a 3rd day for the conference involving a social trip to support networking and following up on the conference discussions in a more relaxed setting. The cost of the trip is included in the conference registration fee. And the Global Online Laboratory Consortium will be hosting two day-long meetings of the Technical and Education sub-committees immediately prior to the conference.

Monday 4th February Pre-conference Meeting:  GOLC Technical Committee
Tuesday 5th February
Pre-Conference Meeting:  GOLC Education Committee
Pre-Conference Workshop: Introduction to Remote Laboratories
Wednesday 6th February
REV2013 Day 1  (Remote Engineering Foundations)
     Keynote; Papers Sessions; Best Paper Session
Thursday 7th February
REV2013 Day 2  (Remote Engineering Applications)
     Workshops; Paper Sessions; Keynote
Friday 8th February
REV2013 Day 3
     Social Trip to Wildlife Park; Blue Mountains; Harbour Cruise

Other opportunities to participate

Thematic workshops / tutorials / technical sessions, as well as interactive demonstrations and exhibitions, may also be proposed. Prospective organisers of other REV2013 events are encouraged to contact the Conference Chair.

Conference language



The proceedings will be published on CD by the International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE), and they will be indexed by IEEE Xplore.

Interesting papers may be published in the International Journal of Online Engineering (iJOE), www.online-journals.org/i-joe/.

Supported by these Gold Sponsors

UTS logoUSQ logo

Conference Dinner and Keynote Sponsor


Silver Sponsors

Curtin logoThe University of SydneyUniversity of South Australia

Conference Reception Sponsor

The University of Queensland

Additional support is provided by

RMIT UniversityLabshare

In cooperation with:

IAOE's logo